
What do we want ?

We would like the Christchurch City Council to admit that in this case the City Plan is not working and to revisit the City Plan in relation to Ruapuna

Allowing these levels of noise and days of operation has quite literally taken away the rights of local residents to enjoy their properties and homes.

We have always said that we were all happy with the pre 1999 rules ( 120 days at lower noise levels ) . We do NOT want to close Ruapuna down.

We want a return to the previous regime which worked for everyone.


avanti popolo said...

What the Quieter Please group are asking for is surely no more than what most Christchurch residents take for granted: that is, the right to be able to live in peace and tranquility in one's own home.

The cause of this group is one that all citizens who take that right for granted should support. Remember this: if the CCC can get away with inflicting this on one group of residents in one part of the city, what will they be able to get away with inflicting on you and me, wherever we may live?

avanti popolo said...

What the Quieter Please group are asking for is surely no more than what most Christchurch residents take for granted: that is, the right to be able to live in peace and tranquility in one's own home.

The cause of this group is one that all citizens who take that right for granted should support. Remember this: if the CCC can get away with inflicting this on one group of residents in one part of the city, what will they be able to get away with inflicting on you and me, wherever we may live?