
" They wouldn't do this to dogs "

Two emails sent to Christchurch City Councillors on October 21st , 2006:

Hello from the Christchurch City Noise Dump.
Residents living within earshot of the Powerbuilt Racetrack at Ruapuna would like to lodge another complaint about the levels of noise we are being forced to endure this weekend and have also endured through the past week.
Last weekend residents suffered through two days of " Muscle Mania " at Ruapuna and next weekend we get to listen to two days of Motorbike racing , in between this we have to listen to cars on the track at Ruapuna every week day and of course soon we will have to endure Speedway noise until 10 -11 pm at night. ( Of course in the view of many motor racing fans we shouldn't be complaining because we " listen to aeroplanes all day anyway " )
Today October 21st, a lovely spring saturday ( so far ) residents living within 3-4 km of Ruapuna get to listen to the Noise that the adverts on television this week promised ; " LOUD LOUD LOUD " they boasted and residents living here can attest to that.
We also have the promise of more " LOUD LOUD LOUD " tomorrow , and if it rains tomorrow we can look forward to Labour Day being "LOUD LOUD LOUD ".
Many locals have actually had to leave their homes today, this is a traditional gardening day in Canterbury but gardens can't be enjoyed in this part of Christchurch this weekend, indeed even inside homes 2 km away the noise is unbearable.
The level of noise that residents in this area are being forced to live with is unhealthy, unsafe and is causing huge anguish and stress for many living here.
It is 2.20 pm, we still have another 3 -4 hours of this noise today and if tomorrow is sunny we would have to listen to another 8 hours of it, indeed the gates open at Ruapuna tomorrow at 8.00 am.
We trust that our City Council will quickly work towards protecting residents in this area from Noise Levels that are causing harm and ill health.

And this email sent, shortly afterwards to City Councillors, Noise Control and other Council Employees who seem to think this noise is acceptable:

We have just received a call from a resident living closer to Ruapuna , this is what she had to say:
" My 8 year old daughter just asked me to call Noise Control because the noise is making the house shake and she is scared "
For your information the noise being forced onto us today is coming from :
  1. The open track at the raceway
  2. Speedway
  3. Remote Control car track
Three different Motor "Sports " within Ruapuna Park are simultaneously producing Noise today
You may think the remote control cars wouldn't be a problem on top of all the noise already being emitted from Speedway & the open track , but please be aware that the PA system from the remote control area can be heard two kilometres away and the high pitched squeal from these cars is heard one km away.
Golfers on the Templeton Golf Course ( established in 1939 ) today are, of course also having to contend with this noise as they walk around the course .
We can only hope the rain that is promised for Christchurch arrives, until Council acts to protect us from this noise, the weather gods are our only hope.

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