
To Quote Mandy Rice- Davies ....

" Well, they would say that wouldn't they ? "

Those of you in put in submissions opposing Plan Change 52 will be interested to read the Christchurch City Council Planners Review of  Submissions  ( see " Section 42A  Report" ). Sadly, no surprises in this report.

Hopefully you are working on your submission to present to The Commissioner .
We have just over two weeks to go .

Those of you who have lived in the area for over 10 years will remember  what it used to be like before 2002 - 2003 , back when noise was infrequent and acceptable . It is actually important that you bear witness to this . We have heard from Templeton Township residents, telling us that they moved to the area back then because it was quiet  and how angry they are that the noise has increased to the degree it has now. It is important to explain and demonstrate this in your submissions .

Interesting to see that a few people have mentioned the noise levels at the School and Kindergarten ( and let's not forget the local swimming pool ) in their Submissions . Only in NZ could children be  exposed to this kind of relentless noise while in a place of learning or recreation .

Good luck with your submissions , keep them as personal as you like, it is important that residents ( no matter how long they have lived here ) describe what it is like to try to live with this noise and the effect it has on their lives.

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