
Guy Fawkes day goes off with a bang

The noise started at 9.15 this morning - Sunday.
A supporter living in Hornby has phoned to say the noise is driving him to distraction and that his morning in the garden is over and he's off inside to get away from the noise.

A mother living in the rural area has taken her children away for the day because she's concerned about their young ears and because the noise means she is unable to go outside. She left home, she marked time, staying away until 5.30 and returned to find this noise still going - 8.5 hours after it started!
She wasn't the only one driven from her HOME this Sunday and it's an indictment on this Council that residents have had noise force fed to them on Saturday , Saturday Night AND Sunday. We wonder if someone from Council would like to pay us a visit and explain to us exactly HOW residents are supposed to cope with these levels of noise ?
NB : The wind is actually blowing sound AWAY from the home where the noise is being recorded and the home is approx. 1.5 km from the track - which gives an indication of the severity of the noise.

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